संस्कृतम् (Samskritam)
Your trusted guide for Samskrit excellence.क्रीडाः
यहाँ जो कुछ भी आप चाहें संस्कृत या विभिन्न भाषाओं में पोस्ट करें। कृपया संस्कृत को प्राथमिक भाषा रखें ताकि दूसरों को सीखने और अभ्यास करने में मदद हो सके। आप प्रश्न पूछ सकते हैं, अपना ज्ञान साझा कर सकते हैं, या बस नमस्ते कह सकते हैं।
Post anything you want here in Samskrit or multiple languages. Please keep Samskrit as the primary language so that others can learn and practice. You can ask questions, share your knowledge, or just say Namasate.
...↓यह वेबसाइट आपको संस्कृत सीखने, विशेष रूप से संस्कृत बोलना सीखने हेतु नवीन, अद्वितीय और संवादात्मक उपकरणें प्रदान करती है।
This website helps you in learning Samskrit, especially Spoken Samskrit by providing unique, new and interactive tools.
“This is a real good website to understand Sanskrit words, by separating them to individual letters, that is what I needed. Thank you very much and I hope you wouldn't take down this website.”
- Arun
“Since I've been delving into the Gita, I've become really keen on learning Sanskrit. I stumbled upon your website a while back, and it's been a massive help. It's kept me hooked!”
- Noah, Australia
“मै ध्रुपद गायक हूँ .. आपने तयार किया हुआ ज्ञानप्रसार का यह माध्यम मुझे बहुत पसंद आया। मैं संगीत संस्कृत ग्रंथ का अभ्यास करना चाहता हूँ। आशा है मुझे मदद मिलेगी ...”
- Sachin, Bharat
“Keep adding and sending words guys. Love it. नमो नमः”
- माधव दास, USA
“I am a beginner in Sanskrit and I am very happy to have found your website. It is very helpful and I am learning a lot. Thank you very much.”
- Maria, Spain
“Good one man. Very well arranged and easy to understand. Keep it up.”