Relationships are an important part of life, connecting us with family, friends, and loved ones. There are different types of relationships like parent-child, siblings, friendships, and life partners, each built on love, trust, and understanding. Strong relationships provide emotional support, happiness, and a sense of belonging.
संस्कृत | English | हिन्दी |
जननी/माता | Mother | माता |
जनकः/पिता | Father | पिता |
पुत्रः | Son | बेटा/पुत्र |
पुत्री | Daughter | बेटी/पुत्री |
सहोदरः | Brother | भाई |
सहोदरी | Sister | बहन |
अग्रजः | Elder Brother | बड़ा भाई |
अनुजः | Younger Brother | छोटा भाई |
अग्रजा | Elder Sister | बड़ी बहन |
अनुजा | Younger Sister | छोटी बहन |
पतिः/भर्तृ/कान्तः | Husband | पति |
भार्या/दारा/कान्ता/कलत्रम् | Wife | पत्नी |
पितामहः | Grandfather | दादा |
पितामही | Grandmother | दादी |
पितृव्यः | Uncle | चाचा |
पितृव्या | Aunt | चाची |
मातुलः | Maternal Uncle | मामा |
मातुलानी | Maternal Aunt | मामी |
पितृभगिनी/पितृष्वसा | Aunt (Father’s sister) | बुआ |
मातृभगिनी/मातृष्वसा | Aunt (Mother’s sister) | मौसी |
मातामहः | Maternal Grandfather | नाना |
मातामही | Maternal Grandmother | नानी |
मित्रम्/स्नेहितः | Friend | मित्र/दोस्त |
पुत्रवधू/स्नुषा | Daughter-in-law | बहू |
भ्रातृजाया | Sister-in-law (Brother’s wife) | भाभी |
श्वश्रूः | Mother-in-law | सास |
श्वशुरः | Father-in-law | ससुर |
श्यालः | Brother-in-law (Wife’s bro) | साला (पत्नी का भाई) |
देवरः | Brother-in-law (Husband’s bro) | देवर (पति का भाई) |
याता | Sister-in-law (Husband’s brother’s wife) | जेठानी/देवरानी |
ननान्दा | Sister-in-law (Husband’s sister) | ननद |
आवुत्तः | Brother-in-law (Sister’s husband) | जीजा/बहनोई |
जामाता | Son-in-law | दामाद |
पौत्रः | Grandson (Son’s son) | पोता |
पौत्री | Granddaughter (Son’s daughter) | पोती |
दौहित्रः | Grandson (Daughter’s son) | नाती |
दौहित्री | Granddaughter (Daughter’s daughter) | नतिनी |
भागिनेयः | Nephew (Sister’s son) | भाँजा |
भागिनेया | Niece (Sister’s daughter) | भाँजी |
भ्रातृव्यः/भ्रातृपुत्रः | Nephew (Brother’s son) | भतीजा |
भ्रातृव्या/भातृजा | Niece (Brother’s daughter) | भतीजी |
प्रपितामहः | Great Grandfather | परदादा |
प्रपितामही | Great Grandmother | परदादी |
प्रपौत्रः | Great Grandson | परपोता |
प्रपौत्री | Great Granddaughter | परपोती |
विमाता | Stepmother | सौतेली माँ |